Integrated chat

Chat is integrated in AutoERP|CRM, which is a clone of Slack. You can stay in touch with your colleagues via this chat. Of course, you can also open it separately in another window so that you have CRM and chat separately.

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About Mattermost

Mattermost is an open communication and collaboration tool for teams and organizations. Mattermost allows users to communicate, share files, collaborate on projects and organize their work through a variety of features.

Built specifically for technical and operational use cases, including software development and engineering workflows, Mattermost is deeply integrated with a rich ecosystem of third-party development tools. Mattermost gives companies full control over their data, with deployment options in standalone and private clouds and access to source code, developers can contribute directly to a shared, flexible and extensible platform built just for them.

What can Mattermost do?


Data security is not in the hands of a third party! You can manage it yourself or choose your system administrator.


Mattermost contains an extensive API, and because it is Open Source we can connect it to other functions.


Chat enables notifications. You will never forget what you promised to do, you simply tell the chat to remind you of the important information in a defined time.


Personal and group chats, chats automatically created within projects can be connected to ChatGPT.


Manage chat content with pins and saved posts. Share documents with each other and search within and across chats.

Mobile application

Mattermost has its own mobile app for iOS and Android. It can connect to your internal chat using a link.


Mattermost allows meetings with screen sharing and separate chat. All can be run in the Windows app.


Tag individual users, groups or all participants in a chat using @all . Users can set up different types of notifications and keep track of topics that are relevant to them.

Try out what our warehouse system can do in practice.

Connection to AutoERP|CRM

Thanks to API and Open Source code we can fully connect chat with the system. You won’t even know it doesn’t belong there!

Communication is the foundation of a functional company. So why not connect it to the system? We will program the system’s functions into Mattermost for you in two clicks! Create a task directly from chat? Without the need to open a new window and copy the message content? That’s a matter of course.

Over 60,000 companies worldwide use this system.

How our ERP|CRM system is evaluated by users

Case studies

Use the chat service in ERP

Are you a sole proprietor, a small business?

Start AutoERP – contains a complete ERP system

The price is calculated from the amount of data in the system and consists of a one-time fee for implementing and customizing the system. Then from the regular monthly fee for administration, cloud, updates, security and backup of the entire system and all its modules.

We do not require any additional license or user fees during use.

Are you interested in a system presentation or a free demo? Please contact us

Are you a medium-sized, large business, corporation or public sector?

The price for NoCode AutoERP is always decided individually.

What modules can you use?

The price consists of a one-time fee for the implementation and customization of the system. Then from the regular monthly fee for administration, cloud, updates, security and backup of the entire system and all its modules.

We do not require any additional license or user fees during use.

Are you interested in a system presentation or a free demo? Please contact us

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