Vendor Management System

The AutomaticERP business management system also handles the management of your suppliers. You can also get this system separately. But by having it inside our system, it’s definitely better to use it to its full potential.

dodavatele vms

What is a Vendor Management System?

A Vendor Management System is a tool that helps organizations manage their suppliers more effectively. It is a system that helps manage the processes that organisations use to manage their suppliers. Supplier management includes activities such as selecting suppliers, negotiating contracts, controlling costs, mitigating risks associated with suppliers, and ensuring service delivery.

What can this system do?

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Supplier Relationship Management

In the CRM system you can record all information about your suppliers, such as contact details, order history and communication with them.

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Records of documents

Enable employees to easily and efficiently manage and store documents such as invoices, contracts and other documents. Documents can also be easily searched and filtered by various criteria such as date, document type or page.

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Analytics and reports

Charts and reports for an overview of goods, their availability, last delivery. It will also allow an overview of the goods collection and support competitiveness. Working with reports reduces risks related to suppliers and ensuring service delivery.

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Exporting to almost any accounting system and communicating with accountants will allow easy integration with your existing systems. Complete integration with other entities in the system.

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Risk management

Effective supplier management reduces the risk of supply chain disruption and ensures that the goods and services you provide are delivered on time and to the expected quality.

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Supply planning and management

Control of content, quality and delivery dates. The result is a greater ability to meet customer needs and to adapt and respond more quickly to changes and fluctuations in supply and demand.

Try what our program can do in practice. You will see how you can use it to work more easily, clearly and efficiently on your projects.

How much does this supplier management system software cost?

The price of purchasing the program varies according to the size of your company, which also corresponds to the range of functions. You can choose between a one-time purchase of the program on your own servers and a cloud solution with monthly payments.

Are you a sole proprietor, a small business?

Start AutoERP – contains a complete ERP system

The price is calculated from the amount of data in the system and consists of a one-time fee for implementing and customizing the system. Then from the regular monthly fee for administration, cloud, updates, security and backup of the entire system and all its modules.

We do not require any additional license or user fees during use.

Are you interested in a system presentation or a free demo? Please contact us

Are you a medium-sized, large business, corporation or public sector?

The price for NoCode AutoERP is always decided individually.

What modules can you use?

The price consists of a one-time fee for the implementation and customization of the system. Then from the regular monthly fee for administration, cloud, updates, security and backup of the entire system and all its modules.

We do not require any additional license or user fees during use.

Are you interested in a system presentation or a free demo? Please contact us

How our Customer Relationship Management system evaluates users

Over 60,000 companies worldwide use the system on which our software is based for document management and CRM. So they must be doing something right... What that something is, you can try it out for yourself right now!


Bára Ondroušková

Support manager

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