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ERP for education

Today, educational institutions can be seen as people-centred companies dedicated to producing highly educated people. Sounds businesslike, doesn’t it? Well, there’s nothing special about it because education today is a business like no other. Here, your customers are your students, and the goods you provide them are not tangible products or services, but knowledge.

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What can our ERP for education offer?

Although Education is a little different from other businesses, its success is also firmly linked to customer satisfaction.

Data in one place

The ERP platform improves the work of the entire organisation and strengthens external relationships. It's a powerful database that gives your staff quick and seamless access to all student data - including data on current and prospective students.

Better communication between departments

It ensures the effectiveness of the educational process at all levels. It facilitates information exchange and promotes collaboration, helping you to better manage your educational facilities.

Individualisation of students

All information about potential and current students is stored in a single system, simplifying the process of tracking student activity throughout their studies and giving staff the ability to quickly and easily contact each student when needed.

Data analysis and reporting

AutomaticERP software is useful in collecting and analyzing information about the work of your employees and students. With just a few clicks of the mouse, employees will be able to see analytics that are essential not only for evaluating learning trends, but also for defining the strengths and weaknesses of each department.

Get more students

In recent years, knowledge has become one of the most important products that have made education a profitable, if rather competitive, business.

Such constant competition for new students and profits forces every educational institution to look for new ways to attract and retain students, improve efficiency and communication between departments, and find ways to secure funding.

The best way to do this is to rely on a ERP system.

Course Details2

Let’s discuss a ERP  solution that is tailored to your educational needs. Book a no-obligation consultation with us now by clicking the button below!

Do you want a ERP for education on the cloud or on your own server?

Clients can choose between a one-time purchase of the entire system and its implementation on their own servers.

In addition, we offer a cloud hosting option for a monthly fee. You do not have to deal with technical details, installation and operation of the server – all the functions of the system are immediately and constantly available to you.

Course Modules Details

The pricing for both solutions is as follows:

Are you a sole proprietor, a small business?

Start AutoERP – contains a complete ERP system

The price is calculated from the amount of data in the system and consists of a one-time fee for implementing and customizing the system. Then from the regular monthly fee for administration, cloud, updates, security and backup of the entire system and all its modules.

We do not require any additional license or user fees during use.

Are you interested in a system presentation or a free demo? Please contact us

Are you a medium-sized, large business, corporation or public sector?

The price for NoCode AutoERP is always decided individually.

What modules can you use?

The price consists of a one-time fee for the implementation and customization of the system. Then from the regular monthly fee for administration, cloud, updates, security and backup of the entire system and all its modules.

We do not require any additional license or user fees during use.

Are you interested in a system presentation or a free demo? Please contact us

Try ERP for education for free

To make sure that our ERP really “fits” you before you buy it, try it out first for a limited time, get to know its features and see how everything works in practice!


Bára Ondroušková

Support manager

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