
Most fields have only one attribute named the same as its field. E.g. createdAt field has attribute createdAt. Some fields have multiple attributes.

Attributes are named in lowerCamelCase (start with a lowercase letter).

Field types having multiple attributes:

  • Link: fieldId, fieldName
  • Link-Multiple: fieldIds, fieldNames (ids − array of ids, names − object of id=>name pairs)
  • Link-Parent: fieldId, fieldType, fieldName (type is entity type)
  • Currency: field, fieldCurrency (currency is currency code)
  • Person Name: firstName, lastName, middleName, salutationName
  • Address: fieldStreet, fieldCity, fieldPostalCode, fieldCountry, fieldState

where field is the name of the field.

A link represents a relationship with another entity. Entities have their set of links.

Links are named in lowerCamelCase (start with a lowercase letter).

The list of available links for a specific entity type can be obtained at: Administration > Entity Manager > needed entity type > Links > 4th column.

Each relationship between two entity types is a pair of two links on both sides.

Link types:

  • belongsTo
  • hasMany
  • hasOne
  • belongsToParent
  • hasChildren

Relationship type & link types mapping:

  • One-to-Many: hasMany + belongsTo
  • Many-to-One: belongsTo + hasMany
  • Many-to-Many: hasMany + hasMany
  • One-to-One Right: belongsTo + hasOne
  • One-to-One Left: hasOne + belongsTo
  • Parent-to-Children: hasChildren + belongsToParent

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