There are two types of reports: List and Grid.

List Reports

List report displays the list of records that meet the specified criteria.

To create a new list report, click on Reports tab and then click Create Report button. Choose needed Entity Type, then click Create button at List Report section.

At Columns field, pick the fields you would like to be displayed. Below, you can specify display parameters for every column:

  • Width – width in percents;
  • Align – left or right;
  • Link – a value will be displayed as a link leading to the record detail view;
  • Export Only – a column won’t be displayed in report results on UI, but it will be available in export;
  • Not Sortable – a column cannot be ordered by, some fields are not available for sorting.

Choose the needed sorting at List Order field.

At Filters section, you can specify criteria that determines what records will be listed in your report. You can use logical operators ‘OR’ and ‘AND’ here.

Runtime Filters allow you to specify different filters before you run the report.

You can export list report results to XLSX (Excel) and CSV formats.

The example of list report results:

List report example

Additional features where list reports can be utilized:

  • Scheduled workflows – to do some scheduled actions over records that met criteria specified by a list report.
  • Scheduled BPM processes – to start BPM processes for records that met some criteria.
  • Sync with target lists – to add records that met some criteria to target lists, more info below.
  • List view filters – to filter records on the list view according to the criteria specified in the list report, more info below.
  • Panels on the detail view – to display related records that met some criteria on the side panel, more info below.
  • Applying assignment rule – to assign records that met specific criteria by workflow or BPM.

Grid Reports

Grid reports show summarized values, can be grouped by one or two fields and displayed as a chart.

To create a new grid report, click on Reports tab and then click Create Report button. Choose needed Entity Type, then click Create button at Grid Report section.

The example of grid report results that shows revenue grouped by User:

Grid report example

Group By

At Group By field, pick one or two fields you want your report data be grouped by. It’s possible to apply grouping by year, month, week, and day for date fields. If you group by two fields your report will be considered as three-dimensional.

You can leave Group By field empty.

There is the ability to specify a custom complex expression (with functions) for grouping. The complex expression is translated into SQL statement. More info about complex expressions is available here.


At Columns field, select one or more aggregate functions applied to a specific field.


  • COUNT – number of records;
  • SUM – summation, applied to Currency, Int and Float fields;
  • MIN – mimimal value;
  • MAX – maximal value;
  • AVG – average value.

If the report is grouped by a link field then it’s possible to add fields from the linked record w/o aggregate functions. The example is the report for Opportunities grouped by Campaign with Campaign.Budget column.

It’s possible to add non-aggregated columns (as of Advanced Pack v2.7.0). In this case records will be displayed for each group. Note that if your report deals with a big number of records, it can run much slower.

Non-grouping grid report with non-aggregated columns:

Grid list non-grouping

Grouping grid report with non-aggregated columns:

Grid list grouped

Order by

Order by field defines how report data will be sorted.


At Filters section, you can specify criteria to limit data displayed in the report results. You can use logical operators ‘OR’ and ‘AND’ here.

Runtime Filters

Runtime Filters allow you to specify different filters before you run the report.

Note: Specifying the runtime filter can be also useful for dashlets and report panels.


Grid report allows displaying results in a chart form.

There are following chart types available:

  • Bar (Horizontal);
  • Bar (Vertical);
  • Bar Grouped (Horizontal) (only for report with grouping by 2 columns);
  • Bar Grouped (Vertical) (only for report with grouping by 2 columns);
  • Pie (only for report with grouping by 1 column);
  • Line.



Bar Grouped:

Bar grouped






It’s possible to export grid report results to XLSX (Excel) and CSV formats. Both a results table and chart are exported to XLSX.

Note that non-aggregared columns (in grid reports) are not exported to XLSX.

Joint Grid reports

Available since Advanced Pack v2.2.0.

Joint Grid reports combine multiple grid reports of different entity types. Sub-reports must be grouped by 1 or 0 fields.

Some usage examples:

  • Lead count / Contact count;
  • Revenue by month / Campaign Budget by month;
  • Revenue by user / Lead count by User.

You can create a new Joint Grid report from the dropdown menu in the top-right corner on the Reports list view.

Runtime filters are not supported in joint reports. Only regular filters (specified in each sub-report) can be used.

For charts, colors of columns must be specified in sub-reports.


Field filter

Field filters are simple to use. They allow to filter by specific fields of a target entity type as well as fields of related records. E.g. you can filter Opportunities by a field of Account entity type.

Field filter

OR group

OR means that at least one condition in the group must be met.

OR group

AND group

AND means that all conditions in the group must be met.

NOT IN group

NOT IN provides the ability to filter records that don’t meet specified criteria. E.g. listing accounts that don’t have any opportunity with ‘Closed Won’ or ‘Closed Lost’ status.

Note: It’s recommended to avoid using NOT IN group when possible, by using filters ‘Not Equals’, ‘None of’, etc. instead. NOT IN group uses a sub-query that can negatively affect a report performance in some cases.

NOT IN group

IN group

Note: Available in since AutoCRM v5.6.0 and Advanced Pack v2.1.0.

IN is similar to AND group but utilizes a sub-query.

The example of usage: Filtering accounts that have opportunities of both ‘Closed Won’ and ‘Negotiation’ stages.

IN group

Complex Expression

For more advanced use. You can apply function for certain database column and compare it with the result of formula expression.

Note: If you need to compare just with a simple string value you should put it into single quotes 'some string'.

Note: Functions intended to interact with the entity record will not work here because the formula is not applied to a specific record.

Applying function to attribute and comparing with the result of formula:

Complex Expression filter

Comparing the result of custom complex expression & the result of formula:

Complex Expression filter

  • Complex expression is translated into SQL statement and becomes a part of SQL query.
  • Formula is executed by PHP and the result value is substituted into SQL query.
  • Comparison operator is substituted into SQL query between complex expression statement and formula result value.

More info about complex expressions is available here.

Having group

Having group provides an ability to filter records with using aggregate functions COUNT, SUM, MAX, MIN, AVG.

Some use cases:

  • List of accounts having more than one opportunity. COUNT / / Greater Than / 1.
  • Grid report showing accounts grouped by industry where revenue is more than 1,000. SUM / opportunities.amount / Greater Than / 1000.

Displaying on dashboard

You can display any report on dashboard. In order to do it, you need to add Report dashlet and then pick the needed report at the dashlet options.

Grid reports can be displayed as a chart, a chart with totals or only totals.

For grid reports it’s possible to display:

  • Chart
  • Chart & Total
  • Total
  • Table (as of v2.7.0)

For list reports it’s possible to display:

  • List
  • Total (number or records)

List reports can be displayed as a list or a total number of records.

Dashlet with only totals displayed:

Dashlet with totals

Email sending

It’s possible to make the system send report results to certain users on a regular basis according to specified time. This must be configured for certain reports individually.

The Max number of records that can be sent in an email by default is 3000. You can increase it by adding a parameter to data/config.php: 'reportSendingListMaxCount' => 5000.

Printing to PDF

Available since Advanced Pack v2.5.0, compatible with AutoCRM v5.8.0 and later.

Note: A user needs to have access to Template scope (set in Roles).

Note: You need to have at least one PDF Template for Report entity type. The template can be created at Administration > PDF Templates.

To print a report: on the report detail view on Report panel, from the dropdown next to Edit button, click Print to PDF.

In PDF table, {{reportTable}} is used to print a report results table.


{{reportTable border=1 borderColor="#333" cellpadding=2 fontSize=9}}

Available attributes:

  • border – a border with;
  • borderColor;
  • cellpadding;
  • fontSize;
  • color – a text color;
  • flip – to flip table, true or false.

Syncing with Target Lists

It’s possible to have target lists synced with list report results. It’s convenient for mass email when you would like to send emails only to contacts that meet some criteria at the moment of sending. This feature is available on the detail view of any target list at Sync with Reports panel.

Report Filters

Report Filters are the list view filters based on reports.

Administrator can create custom list view filters based on specific reports. Available at: Administration > Report Filters. It’s possible to specify teams that will have access to the filter.

Note: The layout, that is specified in the report, is not applied to the list view when the filter is selected.

Report filter

It’s possible to create filters for specific teams.

Report Panels

Report Panels are the detail view panels showing report results.

Administrator can create custom side and bottom panels for the detail view of the specific entity type. It’s possible to specify teams that will have access to the panel.

Both Grid and List reports can be used.

For grid reports it’s possible to display:

  • Chart
  • Chart & Total
  • Total
  • Table (as of v2.7.0)

For list reports it’s possible to display:

  • List
  • Total (number or records)

The order of side panels can be customized at Layout Manager > Side Panels (Detail).

The order of bottom panels can be customized at Layout Manager > Bottom Panels (since v5.9.0).

The report panel shows results related to the record that is viewed. The first found relationship is used. If the report has an appropriate runtime filter, then it will be used to restrict results. The runtime filter must be a field of link, link-multiple or link-parent type.

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