The BPM tool provides additional formula functions.

Formula script can be utilized in conditions, script tasks, various task actions. Some functions can be used in a workflow (broadcastSignal, startProcess).



Fetches an attribute value of a target record.


bpm\createdEntity\attribute(ALIAS_ID, ATTRIBUTE)

Fetches an attribute value of a record created within a process. ALIAS_ID can be obtained from the detail view of Task, that has an action creating a record.



Fetches an attribute value of a process record.



Starts a process. Available since Advanced Pack v2.5.2.


bpm\startProcess('flowchart-id', 'Account', 'account-id');


  • bpm\broadcastSignal(SIGNAL_NAME) – broadcast a regular signal (as of v2.7.1)
  • bpm\broadcastSignal(SIGNAL_NAME, ENTITY_TYPE, ENTITY_ID) – broadcast an object signal (as of v2.8.5)

It can be useful to broadcast a custom signal from a worfklow rule and then catch it inside a running process. A workflow rule will perform some condition checking and only after than will broadcast a signal.

Example (regular signal)

$signalName = string\concatenate(


Then it will be possible to catch the signal in a BPM process by listening to the signal notePostedInCaseBySupportManager.{$id}.

Example (object signal)

Workflow on Quote Item broadcasts a signal when amount is changed.

bpm\broadcastSignal('@quoteItemIsChanged', 'Quote', entity\attribute('quoteId'));

Then it will be possible to catch the signal by a workflow. It can be useful for situations when you need to recalculate something when a related record is changed.

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